blah blah blah. Look I have no clue.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


HELP MEEEEE!!!!! One day i was outside when a mutated spider came down, it bit me on the paw. I suddenly felt tired so I layed down to rest. When I was sleeping, my DNA was part squirrel. I was climbing up trees, I was really really fast, and I had a sudden craving for nuts. I knew that I had to use my powers for good, so I went around my block and caught all of the bad cats and dogs. I saved so many lives. I was doing great until Mutt Man came along. He was the hardest bad dog I ever fought. He rode around on that glider thing and was throwin that weird hairball, he's wearing that dumb power rangers suit, but he's scarier without it on.
It was are final battel, and he was beeting me. The worst part was that he knew me. He said that once he killed me he would kill all of my friends. That was his mistake. Then I got mad. I got up and fought with all of my strength, I started to beet him!!! But right when I was about to kill him, because that was the only way to stop him, he showed me his real face and it was my uncle. He said not to kill him, that it was a poison that got in to him that made him do it. But as he said it he pressed a thing on his suit and called his glider. But luckely I had squirrel sense, and I knew that it was comeing, so I jumped and it hit him instead, and it killed him. After that things got back to the way things were and I never had to fight again, exept when I find some bad dogs.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Space, The Final Frontier

IT WAS AMAZING. I was waching STAR WARS with the boy when something amazing happaned. I got pulled into space, and the boy wasn't with me. Suddenly I was fighting Darth Vader, exept he was A DOG. I was fighting him and I was about to kill him when suddenly he said " Maggie I am your father " at first I didn't believe him but then he took off his muzzle and it was my father, exept paller. I was so exited about that, but then I started to get sucked back into my own house, i tryed to stay, but I was to weak, so I never saw my father again.
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I have been trying to get a good tan ;-)